Trish Kent
"Create Your Heart's Desire"
Date: November 12, 2016 - 10 AM to 12 Noon
As a prior teacher and a mother of three, I learned that kids like to physically create art in different ways.
This workshop will have colorful paper, string, found objects and glue so that each child can create an original design using their “Heart’s Desire.” Scissors will not be used except to cut string. Each child can rip, crumble, fold the colorful paper to design any thought that’s in their heart.s.
Colorful paper, scissors, glue sticks, crayons/markers/colored pencils
As a prior teacher and a mother of three, I learned that kids like to physically create art in different ways.
This workshop will have colorful paper, string, found objects and glue so that each child can create an original design using their “Heart’s Desire.” Scissors will not be used except to cut string. Each child can rip, crumble, fold the colorful paper to design any thought that’s in their heart.s.
Colorful paper, scissors, glue sticks, crayons/markers/colored pencils