Exhibition Sponsorship Levels & Benefits
Thank you for your sponsorship consideration. Below is the information about sponsorship benefits. Any contribution to this event is very much appreciated. If you have any questions, please contact Carolyn Goodridge at (202) 297-3040.
Opening Reception: Saturday, January 9, 4-7 PM
Art on view through January 28, 2016
Pepco Edison Place Gallery
702 Eighth Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20001 (Between G & H Streets NW)
Gallery Phone: (202) 872-3396
Art on view through January 28, 2016
Pepco Edison Place Gallery
702 Eighth Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20001 (Between G & H Streets NW)
Gallery Phone: (202) 872-3396
Silver ($25)
Gold ($50)
Platinum ($100+)
Sponsorship Submission Deadline: December 22, 2015
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