Lois Moore Blackwell
Click Here to Inquire About Collecting This Original Work of Art
Shape-Up For The Carnaval
Acrylic on Belgium linen, 40 x 18 in., 2015, $1,130
Acrylic on Belgium linen, 40 x 18 in., 2015, $1,130
Behold the colorful shapes chosen to help jump-start the Lenten Season. We shall rejoice throughout our journey to celebrate Easter and joyfully shape-up for spring.
MAILCARDS: Lois Moore-Blackwell
About The Artist

Artist Statement
SHAPE-UP FOR THE CARNAVAL -- Chosen and assorted shapes in dazzling colors are used to jump-start the season of Lent and begin the Preparation for The Pascal Feast in America.
Lois Moore-Blackwell a Former Doctoral Fellow who received her doctoral degree from The George Washington University in Higher Education.Blackwell studied commercial design at Howard University. As assistant professor her experience include teaching visual art, textiles and design. She also served as community coordinator at the Duke Ellington School of The Arts.During the influential years Lois taught others to create and express their inner aesthetic. Upon retirement from education, Lois began crafting her personal techniques in the world of apparel design and fine art.
SHAPE-UP FOR THE CARNAVAL -- Chosen and assorted shapes in dazzling colors are used to jump-start the season of Lent and begin the Preparation for The Pascal Feast in America.
Lois Moore-Blackwell a Former Doctoral Fellow who received her doctoral degree from The George Washington University in Higher Education.Blackwell studied commercial design at Howard University. As assistant professor her experience include teaching visual art, textiles and design. She also served as community coordinator at the Duke Ellington School of The Arts.During the influential years Lois taught others to create and express their inner aesthetic. Upon retirement from education, Lois began crafting her personal techniques in the world of apparel design and fine art.