Grant Description
Art Impact™ International's
Grant Application
Will Be Submitted by March 29, 2019
“The Silent Side of the Civil War Era:
Conveying Quiet Messages Across Torrent Times”
Edify artists as part of our general public so they may edify others: Definition: edify: verb (used with object), ed·i·fied, ed·i·fy·ing. to instruct or benefit, especially morally or spiritually; uplift
Edify artists as part of our general public so they may edify others: Definition: edify: verb (used with object), ed·i·fied, ed·i·fy·ing. to instruct or benefit, especially morally or spiritually; uplift
- Give artists who carry the information forward expanded educational and community service opportunities, exercising their social responsibility muscles as they use the subject of their art (history) as a comfortable launching off pad for their topic for education, public involvement, and intellectual stimulation.
- Create a series of fascinating documentary films which are academically authoritative, technically polished and have lasting value to students of all ages, researchers (especially artists), and residents of Washington, DC as part of the DC Digital Museum.
- Create new opportunities for public engagement, conversation and dialogue by illumination of hidden stories, and innovative methods of encouraging public engagement
- Increase public engagement with the humanities - through presenting unique films (documenting historical events, untold stories and little known facts kept relatively quiet about African American history) and then having them to participate with it in some fashion (actually create some kind of animation video AI figure; game board; design a quilt; create a code; re-enact something we inform them about.)