Hubert Jackson
Born in Culpeper, Virginia, Hubert Jackson received his Master of Fine Arts from Howard University. Exhibited extensively, his work is in a number of collections including the U.S. Embassies in Gabon and Burundi. Jackson not only inspires but also educates viewers with his sculptural and colorist imagery. His visual compositions bespeak an adept balance between abstract and figurative, architecture and landscape, geometric and organic.
My painting series, “Spirits of the Journey”, honors the memory of those who have come and gone but remain anonymous and unaccounted for through war, poverty, slavery or the passage of time. The focus of this series is not on the politics or the morality of the Civil War period in our history but rather on the innate dignity and worth of the individuals who lived and died and again became one with the earth – those whose spirits transcended the circumstances of their place in time. - H. Jackson |